Ngs superseeded sequential testing nsclc
Ngs superseeded sequential testing nsclc

ngs superseeded sequential testing nsclc

Patients underwent plasma ctDNA testing using a DNA-based mutation panel of single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and indels in 38 cancer-associated genes (Follow It ®, Imagia Canexia Health, Vancouver, BC, Canada) through the Project Access to Cancer Testing and Treatment (supported by the Canadian Technology Digital Supercluster). In order to generate RWD in precision oncology that will prove acceptable to HTA bodies, Canada must take a national approach to biomarker strategy and unite all stakeholders at the highest level to overcome jurisdictional and technological barriers. Among the 35 other programs evaluated, the main themes included the need for collaboration and systems to support data harmonization across multiple jurisdictions. We highlight four initiatives with helpful lessons for Canada: Genomic Medicine France 2025, UNICANCER, the German Medical Informatics Initiative, and CANCER-ID. Thirty-nine initiatives across 37 countries in Europe, Australasia, Africa, and the Americas had the potential to lead to real-world data (RWD) on the clinical utility of oncology biomarkers. This search strategy included review articles published between 1 January 2016 and 1 March 2021 and hand-searches of their reference lists for relevant publications back to 1 December 2005. Since healthcare systems in many developed nations face similar challenges, we adopted a solutions-based approach and conducted a search of worldwide programs in personalized medicine, with an emphasis on precision oncology. In particular, the need for real-world evidence in Canada is not matched by the necessary infrastructure and technologies required to integrate genomic and clinical data.


Clinical trial information: NCT03558165.Ĭanada’s healthcare system, like others worldwide, is immersed in a process of evolution, attempting to adapt conventional frameworks of health technology assessment (HTA) and funding models to a new landscape of precision medicine in oncology. Conclusions: Although a key barrier to implementation is lack of funding for NGS in the Canadian publicly funded system, the OCAv3 consolidates genomic testing, identifies additional actionable targets, and substantially increases clinical trial eligibility for patients at a small incremental cost. If ROS-1 and BRAF testing were publicly reimbursed at current rates, the incremental profiling cost with OCAv3 would be $90 CAD per case. Incremental costs per case beyond EGFR/ALK are estimated at $540 CAD. Failure of NGS was secondary to insufficient tissue. New clinical trial options were identified in 70%. Actionable targets beyond SOC were identified in 33% (N = 13): ERBB2 (N = 8), BRAFV600 (N = 3), NRG fusion (N = 1), MET exon 14 (N = 1). Results: Of 65 enrolled patients (Feb 2018-Jan 2019 40 (62%) completed/14 (21%) screen fail/ 11 (17%) pending), median age of completed cohort was 65, 60% (N = 24) female, never/light smokers 68% (N = 27), Asian 38% (N = 15), previously treated 33% (N = 13). Secondary endpoints include feasibility and cost from the Canadian public healthcare perspective, and treatment outcomes. Primary endpoints were incremental actionable targets and clinical trial opportunities as a result of broader OCAv3 testing. Methods: In a prospective study of stage IV NSCLC out-patients at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre (Toronto) without EGFR/ALK/KRAS/BRAF alteration (unless failure of prior targeted therapy), diagnostic samples were tested by OCAv3 (ThermoFisher 161 genes: hotspots, fusions, and copy number variations). This study evaluated costs, identified actionable targets, and determined clinical trial eligibility as a result of using the OCAv3 NGS in stage IV NSCLC patients. Other genomic alterations are not tested routinely however, enhanced molecular testing may broaden treatment options for patients. Background: Standard of care (SOC) molecular diagnostics for stage IV NSCLC patients in Ontario, Canada includes publicly reimbursed EGFR/ ALK, and selected BRAF and ROS-1 testing.

Ngs superseeded sequential testing nsclc